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Maticia  Sudah

THE ASCENSION OF LIFE…MASTERING MENOPAUSE RETREAT was founded by CEO/Founder Maticia Sudah, as she has been walking towards the doors of her change of life for the past 6 years.

As she sought advice and support about how she was feeling, she realized that this was still a taboo topic or something that was brushed over by a lot of women in her immediate circle.
She wanted to change that.  

As a result, being a certified Kemetic Yoga Instructor, she started to hold workshops in her community based around menopause at her yoga studio. It took a while to pick up momentum, but she realized lots of women were thirsty to speak on the subject as they didn’t have the needed support as well.

Maticia's retreats are designed for women to break through Westernized stereotypes of menopause and grow wiser (aging).  As women grow in age, they have more to offer in creativity, grace, life, sensuality, wisdom, and beauty.  She created this retreat to serve as a reminder of greatness for her global sisterhood.

Her wish is that all attendees arrive at this amazing, tropical location that she has visited over the past 7 years with an open heart and willing spirit. Her hope is that all participants join in all planned activities awakening their bodies, reconnecting with movement, and nourishing their bodies with delightful, delicious, life-filled plant-based foods by a 5-star plant-based chef.


We will share and connect thoughts and feelings with other women attending, enjoying amazing excursions, learning from guest speakers of the land who come from an indigenous background, and last but not least, reconnecting personally with indigenous practices supporting the ascension as it relates to menopause strengthening and empowering themselves and in turn their communities and/or families.

Maticia is also a licensed aesthetician since 1996. She owned a day spa for 18 years in the Midwest. She was a highly booked and sought-after professional where she had 5 locations and 28 employees. She was featured in Essence magazine, the Business Journal, and Black Enterprise for her entrepreneurial genius. She will give a wonderful lecture at the retreat on skincare and beauty.

Maticia is also a Board Certified Functional Nutrition Coach which helps bridge the gap between holistic and medical practices.  All attendees will receive a 30 minute consultation with their retreat experience. 

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